北京时间: 2025-02-14 09 AM 当地时间: 2025-02-14 06 AM
信息来源:转载    发布时间:2020-10-24      发布者:admin








普洱是世界茶树发源地、茶马古道的源头,茶马文化源远流长、鲜明厚重。“十三五”以来,全市经济实现了快速发展,GDP年均增速达两位数以上。Pu’er is the place of origin of tea trees in the world and the starting point of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road. The tea-horse culture has a long history, and it’s distinctive and profound. Since the “13th Five-Year Planning” period, Pu’er’s economy has achieved rapid development, and the average annual GDP grows at double digits.


Key Investment Promotion Projects


Development projects of Banshan Hotel, a destination for a healthy life in Pu’er City


The construction project of the border trade processing logistics park at Mengkang Port


“Golden Menglian ·Nayun Ancient Town" border cultural tourism project


The construction project of Pu’er Cold Chain Logistics Park


“100-mile tea road” tea-based industry and tourism comprehensive development project


2019年5月,国务院批准临沧建设国家可持续发展议程创新示范区,把临沧推上一个前所未有的、面向世界的、无比广阔的时代舞台,为临沧的跨越和腾飞插上了强大的翅膀。In May 2019, the State Council approved the construction of Lincang as an innovation demonstration area of the national sustainable development agenda, pushing Lincang into an unprecedented,world-oriented, and incomparably broad stage of the times, which has provided powerful wings for Lincang’s leapfrog development and take-off.


Key Investment Promotion Projects


Lincang Yawei Exhibition Center ExhibitionHall operation project


Lincang pottery culture industrial park project


Processing and construction project of fruits and vegetables and other leisure food in Lincang Border Cooperation Zone


Electronic and electrical processing construction project in Lincang border cooperation zone


Agricultural machinery assembly &development construction project in Lincang border cooperation zone


曲靖一直以来都是云南工业生产力布局的重点地区,已成为西南地区重要的能源、烟草、化工、冶金、装备制造基地,形成了较为完整的产业协作体系。Qujing has always been a key area of Yunnan’s industrial productivity distribution and has become important energy, tobacco, chemical, metallurgy, equipment manufacturing base in Southwest China, and a relatively complete industrial cooperation system has been formed.


Key Investment Promotion Projects


Hydropower silicon industrial park project in Qujing Economic Development Zone


New energy and new materials industrial park construction project in Qujing Economic Development Zone


The construction project of stainless steel industrial park in Shizong County


Luliang County dehydration, freeze-dried, quick-frozen vegetables


大理历史文化厚重、自然风光旖旎、生态环境宜人、民族风情绚烂,是承载诗和远方的地方。近年来,大理州围绕“三张牌”和六大产业发展,产业链完整,发展势头强劲,具有得天独厚的基础条件和优势。Dali has a rich history and culture, beautiful natural scenery, pleasant ecological environment, and gorgeous ethnic customs. It is a place that carries poetry and dreams. In recent years, Dali Prefecture has focused on the “three cards” and developed six major industries. The industrial chain is complete and the development momentum is strong. It has unique basic conditions and advantages.


Key Investment Promotion Projects


Shangguan Pastoral Ecological Health Care Centre Project in Dali City


Heqing green low- carbon hydropower aluminum-intensive processing industrial park


The international means of livelihood logistics park in Xiangyun West Station

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